Interfata ENET diagnoza BMW Full Set of CD V50.3
Descriere: Interfata ENET diagnoza BMW Full Set of CD V50.3
1. This product uses the super-six production lines, shielding interference, signal transmission intensity , really pure copper wire, green insulation.
2. One can hide modules or program single module.
3. Lock unlock sound confirmation ( to prevent radio interference, add sound to confirm car locked when turn light confirmation inconvenient. This is setup in cic)
4. Can operate the navigation menu including watching dvd when driving( for driving safety. Let the side driver operate the navigation menu )
5. Display engine output and torque meter ( purely fun, look engine output )
6. Cancel confirmation screen big screen boot delay
7. Open the voice recognition function
8. Three kind of bluetooth phone ringtones ( personality only )
9. Increasing the cic memory address to 50
10. The glass automatically rise to the top process is not terminated by the car door ( easy to get off to close the window waiting )
11.The digital speed display ( fun only )
12. Air-conditioned memory of the last off state ( without air conditioning season is more convenient )
13. Indoor cycling memories of the last time the state when engine off
14. A-pillar electric tailgate buttons and remote control a key to close the power tailgate. At any time terminate the reverse operation ( turn off 15 minutes or more reset )
15. Increasing shift paddles
Mai multe:
16. The small screen to the large-screen display modify
17. Pdc display vertical and horizontal
18. Disable the seat belt status display – passenger seat
19. Disable the seat belt status display – driver seat
20. Disable seat belt reminder mistake ! The link is invalid. Device – passenger seat
21. Disable seat belt reminder – driving position
22. Disabled unfasten their seat belts voice prompts – passenger seat
23. Disabled unfasten their seat belts voice prompts – driving position
24. Intersection vehicle high beam automatic control ( no condition tested. Do not know if it is valid )
25. Angel eyes open and cancel functions
26. turn off the engine start-stop function turned on by default
27. gps time synchronization
28. Foot open the back cover
29. Ds show s1-s7 selection
30. Active sports gearbox program sport +
31. Single microphone settings
32. Engine off automatically unlock
33. Internet applications
34. Armrest usb playback video
35. The maximum distance disable front camera view
36. The maximum distance to disable the rear camera view
37. Maximum speed disable front camera view
38. The maximum speed to disable the rear camera view
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Va multumim pentru increderea acordata.
Informații suplimentare
Greutate | 0.200 kg |
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